What’s it like studying for a Masters in Data Science?

Anna Cunningham

Why Durham?

What made my time at Durham so enjoyable that I didn’t want to move? The college system at Durham has a very welcoming ethos. This means it is always very easy to meet new people and get involved in lots of different activities. I have enjoyed my time at Durham so much because, from day one, I have always felt encouraged to join in with different opportunities, whether I was trying something new or developing a hobby.

Why Data Science?

In my undergraduate, I was introduced to dealing with data through practical work in the lab. Here I was introduced to different statistical analysis techniques and coding. When reflecting on my undergraduate I recognised that these were the modules I enjoyed most and with some research came across Data Science!

I selected this course for two main reasons. Firstly, because of the diversity of modules offered with the opportunity to gain a range of skills in many different projects. Secondly, because I had enjoyed my time at Durham so much so far that I didn’t want to leave.

I have enjoyed the project-based approach to module assessment in this course. When approaching assignments, I can try new techniques to make problem-solving decisions that I can justify as being the best approach. The learning environment around this course supports independent learning, but Professors have always been quick to respond if I have any queries!

My favourite module?

My favourite Data Science module has been “Programming for Data Science”. This module involved learning how to scrape data/information from a website using Python. Tasks involved scraping unique URL links, text-based information and presenting the data found using appropriate statistical analyses.

If enrolling in this course, you can look forward to applying the skills you learn to creatively designed projects. Many projects also give you the freedom to select the data you work with, so assignments are tailored to your personal interests!

Life at Durham

College offers many different societies to get involved in. In college I learned how to row, was part of a film and climbing society. The University also offers different societies and classes to get involved in – I have taken classes in British Sign Language (BSL) throughout the year to achieve a Level 1 BSL qualification.

My typical day

During the week I tend to wake up around 9am. I spend the day doing university work, this can include lectures, workshops, seminars or working on assignments. My course has offered a hybrid form of learning, so I can either go in for face-to-face contact hours or I can attend things virtually. Today, I have worked virtually in a local coffee shop. In my lunch break, I went on a walk with one of my friends. I usually finish working for a day around 5pm which is when I go home and cook dinner. In the evening I usually meet up with my friends for a catch-up. At the weekend I work part-time in a coffee shop during the day and spend my evenings meeting up with friends either to go out or watch movies. 

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Anna Cunningham

My name is Anna I have been studying at Durham for 4 years now and am in St Cuthbert’s society. I completed my undergraduate course in Biological Sciences and am now studying Data Science. After university, I will move back to London to pursue a career in Data Science

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