What’s it like studying Visual Arts and Film?

Studying Visual Arts and Film at Durham during the height of coronavirus was surreal, to say the least. Learning about profound new ways of ‘seeing’ from leading artists and researchers whilst sitting in the confines of my college bedroom with Sudocrem smeared over my face was an almost comic juxtaposition.  However, despite the strange circumstances […]

What’s it like studying Combined Honours?

When I came to Durham on an Open Day studying Combined Honours was described as a pick your destiny adventure book. And despite being a very good slogan, it’s very true! What I chose to study Within Combined Honours I choose to study History and Politics. I could write several blogs on why I’m studying […]

What’s it like studying Sport?

I initially applied to Durham after being part of the Supported Progression scheme (read Liv’s blog about Supported Progression). This was a one-week experience where I saw what it was like to study Sport at Durham, as well as meet other potential students and even some of the lecturers that teach me now! The Sports […]