What’s it like studying Education Studies?

Choosing a university degree can always be a bit of an overwhelming experience, and mine was no exception. I had no clue what I wanted to study, or where I wanted to go. However, once I’d discovered the Education Studies programme, everything seemed to snap into place and I’ve fallen in love with both my […]

Why I love volunteering

This week marks National Student Volunteering Week, which is a pivotal aspect of the wider student experience at Durham. In this blog, I will outline how you could get involved in volunteering, my personal experience with volunteering and why I would recommend allocating some time to support the charities and associations with which Durham works […]

What’s it like studying Chemistry?

Why might you want to study more Chemistry? Chemistry is something you’ve probably studied in one way or another since pre-GCSE – so why spend at least another 3 years of your life studying it? Getting down to the nitty gritty – the ‘whys?’ of chemistry! For me, there were two main reasons. First, I […]