Life at Collingwood

If you have been allocated Collingwood College, I am so excited for you! Make sure you check your room for messages from prior years, you might even see mine. If you are not lucky enough to be in my old room, I wrote a message to the next person on the last day of the […]

Life at John Snow

John Snow College has a reputation for being one of the most friendly and inclusive colleges in Durham with a student body that contains the most welcoming people. I am so glad I got my first choice of college and am forever proud to ‘Bleed Blue’! Why I chose John Snow I chose John Snow […]

Life at Butler

Why Josephine Butler College? When I was considering which college to put down as my first choice, I was immediately drawn to Butler for two reasons. Firstly, on the more practical side of things, the facilities were just what I needed when I was starting my journey to living independently.  My room There are 4 […]