My French placement in Suriname

One might have thought going to Suriname, a Dutch speaking country, was a questionable idea for a university student of French. I would have agreed with you. However, let me try to illustrate how being at the heart of operations in a country where France’s influence is only at the start of its fruition, is […]

A day in the life of a final year psychology student

As a fourth year psychology student, life can be quite busy. Psychology is usually a three-year course, however, I decided to take a placement year during my third year. This is where people go and work for a year, which in my case was as a Government Social Researcher in the civil service. Upon my […]

What’s it like studying Physics

Hi! I’m Louis a final year MSci Natural Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) student. This year is a lot less busy in terms of contact hours than my previous three years here, but I have a lot more independent work and so have to put a lot more effort into structuring my time! Heat, x-rays and […]