From undergraduate to postgraduate at Durham

Amie Fraser

What interested you in your chosen PG course? 

The main thing was the opportunity it would give me to develop my understanding on topics covered on the undergraduate course in more depth. Themes such as gender, violence and abuse and social justice, communities, and civil society were of particular interest to me. I also loved living and studying in Durham so the decision to continue on here for postgrad made perfect sense. 

Why did you decide to stay at Durham for your continued study? 

I built a strong social network here throughout my undergraduate studies and I was keen to carry on being a part of those. In particular, I played rugby for my college women’s team and was keen to try out playing for the university so staying on for postgrad also gave me the opportunity to do that. Durham is such a unique place to be able to study and live and I was really keen therefore to spend another year living there. 

Staying on for postgrad gave me the opportunity to significantly develop my skills and throw myself into also playing for the university, alongside my college. It was an amazing opportunity, and I met some incredibly people through the process which I am very grateful for. Rugby gave me an outlet for my studies, which were at times very stressful, and I had a lot of fun being a part of the 2XV. 

I also worked at my college bar at undergrad so when I continued on for postgrad I was able to apply to be a bar supervisor which gave me more responsibility in my role. 

Practical benefits 

The main practical benefits were having an understanding already of the university, where all the facilities were, how to navigate the online portals such as Blackboard, already knowing some of the tutors on my course, and some of my peers on my course too. The housing market is also a big one and it was useful to have inside knowledge on estate agents and the areas of Durham to make getting accommodation an easier process. 

I knew a couple people from the undergraduate course on Criminology who stayed for the postgraduate course. I think it was similar reasons to me, wanting to develop their learning and understanding on the issues and topic covered. Also to further their own academic and personal development with more independent study, another opportunity to carry out a dissertation on an area they are interested in and gain valuable critical and analytical skills in the process. 

What do you believe were the benefits of staying at Durham, rather than moving to another city, for your PG study? 

I’d say it’s just a lot simpler than moving elsewhere and starting again. You usually already have a peer group here, you understand how the university operates, you might have a job here or be part of a sports team, you know about housing and where you want to live, you have your favourite bars and restaurants. If you’re happy living in Durham I think it’s a privilege to be able to stay on for another year to complete your postgraduate studies. 

Where do you see yourself after graduation? 

I’m planning on going travelling in February 2025 so a month after graduation for about 4 months. I’m then keen to pursue a role in policy in the civil service, hopefully in London. 

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Amie Fraser

Hi I’m Amie, I’m 23 and I’m from Yorkshire in England. I studied BA Criminology at undergrad and used the Durham University alumni discount to study MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice at postgrad.

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